Speedtrap alert
This app will help a car driver not to violate driving rules and to avoid speed tickets from speed cameras.
Visual and voice alerts for speed cameras with wide range of customizations.
Use of multiple speed trap databases from OneDrive or by direct link. Supported formats: IGO8 (preferred), Garmin CSV, Tomtom OV2, KML and GPX.
Ability to report and to notify other users about road dangers: fixed and mobile radars, accidents and other (internet connection required).
Work in the background together with navigators or other driver assistance apps. Visit speedtraps.aleprojects.com/en/help/background to learn more. *Important*: the app no longer works in the background under Windows 10 Creator Update 1703 (10.0.15063) when map is active. Return back to the app dashboard before switching to another app or phone start screen.