Upload Guidelines

Be nice
The Internet is a pretty cool place, Respect it. We request that while you are on Bhyji you respect App developers,users you encounter, as well as their App functionality and explainer videos. You are free to disagree and/or provide critical feedback, but please keep it respectful.

Don’t spam Bhyji.
Don’t send unsolicited mass messages or post promotional comments,also please don’t flood Bhyji with videos uploaded by a robot-like human in a manner that will disrupt people’s experience here.

Don’t be a Spoilsport.
Bhyji is an amazing place to connect with other people who love and make Apps. Don’t abuse those connections with comments or messages that make the recipient feel uncomfortable, such as unwelcome advances. Make sure your user avatar and profile do not include nudity, explicit or gory images, spammy links, or details designed to impersonate any other person.

Upload only videos you created yourself.
You must own or hold all necessary rights (copyrights, etc.) to your App explainer video.
You can upload App functionality or App explainer videos that you helped create as long as you have the necessary permissions from the copyright holders.
Users can upload app functional and explainer videos they did not create as long as they hold the necessary rights and permissions.

You cannot upload certain types of content:
No rips of movies, music, television, or any other third party copyrighted material.
No sexually explicit material or pornography.
No videos that violate someone's privacy.
No videos promoting products and services of an erotic nature