A number of you have noted that the Track ID functionality (up/down/fast/slow etc) was removed with the last App update and that you would like this reinstated. Track ID was removed as a direct result of miss use of the App by a user. Despite clear instructions that the location information was not to be relied upon, it was, and could have led to a serious incident. Network Rail requested that this function be removed from the App we complied with this request. Users are reminded that the locational accuracy of GPS in mobile devices can vary widely due to a number of factors and should not be used when making decisions with safety implications. We are now working with Network Rail to reinstate the Track ID functionality with suitable safeguards against improper use. We hope to release an updated version of the App in the next few months. For other Omnicom Products and Services please visit our website at: www.omnicomengineering.co.uk